22 November 2007

Ever see "The Man With Two Brains"?

Happy Thanksgiving to all of Italy. Thanksgiving is big with the Italian people.

Joey, I'm dyin' over here! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Six Degrees of Related Videos

So, doing research for a project, I go to YouTube, hoping to find (in this case) the title sequence to the 1966 film The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! Although not the title sequence, one user has put together a montage of the film's various moments.

The point here is not about the film but what's going on in the lower right corner of yr browser window: Related Videos. Related? Granted a good percentage have "russian" in the title or description...but I ask you, what algorithm connects The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! with Keira Knightly at the Atonement premiere? Or The Village People? Or this video?

I'm not being facetious here. Maybe it's me. I just don't see the logic. But I'd seriously like to understand the chain, the "six degrees" if you will.

21 November 2007

Corn flakes everywhere

While watching the morning news (TG1), i discovered that the head of the Italian State Police is Antonio Manganelli.

I found this extremely funny...Ro just shrugged.

Which reminds me of a joke...

20 November 2007


...THAT worked well! Ehhh, whatever...

How about a picture? Here's the Joey-lectro FTH so far...

...and another...

...spiffy, no? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It'll be (to para-steal a MIMF member's signature) the prettiest kindling in Rome. It's got Martin-esque scalloped bracing...on the back! And it's got Gretsch-like trestle bracing for the front...on essentially a flat-top guitar. It's pretty obvious I have no idea what I'm doing. Engineering...what's that?

15 November 2007

Meme Of The Day

Okay, here's an idea...Meme Of The Day. Maybe "meme" is a bit pretentious...but it sounds better than "Random Idea That Will Hopefully Catch On Of The Day," doncha think?

Latin Wide...

Let's see if "Mr. Discipline" can keep this up....see ya tomorrow!

13 November 2007


Well...first post. And Happy Birthday, Joey!