25 September 2010

More on our modern-day Pharoahs

If you are earning more than a million dollars a year and are complaining about a 3.6% tax increase, then you are by definition a greedy asshole. (Courtesy The Huffington Post, via Boing Boing)

I have to say while i don't necessarily agree with how Bill Maher put his point across (yes, i realize first and foremost he's a comedian with a TV show, and that his show caters to a certain demographic), his point is valid and rock solid.

Boing Boing commenters #4 and #19 stuck out in my mind.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos have contributed $100,000 each to an effort to defeat an income tax on individuals in Washington state making more than $200,000. (via Slashdot)

In other news, TV Mania. I can say no more.

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